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     lets see your gaming setup!
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Posted on: 2014/8/2 9:51

Joined: 2010/6/6
From: Holland
Posts: 1149
Re: lets see your gaming setup!
That SSD has some good read / write speeds actually so good pick :)
I don't think you can set the AHCI thing in disk management tho, since its a communication method between the MOBO and the SSD.
Pretty sure you can only do that in the MOBO's bios since its built into that.

I just looked at the dimentions of your case and they are identical to my Trooper case, which is also a full tower case.
I expected yours to be smaller, more like a mid tower like you used to have.
At least you got tons of room and options now tho :)

You must hava had this experience when putting them both next to eachother as well:

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mid tower v/s full tower

A bigger case keeps things cooler as well.

One thing tho, when i saw you had a Thermatake PSU my alarms went off a bit.
The thing is, they aren't very well known for being stable when asking some actual power from it.
I looked it up and found this:

Up to you what you do with it tho, keep in mind 500 watts is more than enough for a single GPU setup :)

Infinite creativity!!!
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Posted on: 2014/8/2 14:30

Joined: 2011/3/6
From: Melboure, Australia
Posts: 438
Re: lets see your gaming setup!
Haha, pretty much exactly what I experienced

SSD is all up and running, with Windows Installed, so Disk management must be able to initialise the drive itself. Now to finish downloading my games again, and try get this windows back to the Pro version I had before, which for some reason it won't let me use my old key. (Lucky I had one spare from a failed attempt to upgrade my netbook)

And yh, I got this one after the PSU my PC came with (Package deal, which had a Shaw case w/ PSU) blew a month after I installed a GTX 560, despite requirements being 100W less than it was supposed to output... 700W Bronze, and it's fine for the 2 and a bit years I've had it, but yh, I will get a newer one. Most likely Corsair, but that won't be for a while yet, got other items in my plans before I need to start looking at one

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Posted on: 2014/8/21 14:07

Joined: 2010/6/6
From: Holland
Posts: 1149
Re: lets see your gaming setup!
Right lets share the last 2 weeks upgrades that have been going on pc-wise then.

First, my brother wanted to do a upgrade on his pc to make music at higher quality settings.
His current i3 rig wasn't able to pull it off running on old HDD's and 2x2gigs of ram.
So the list:

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CPU: socket 2011, i7-4820K, Z79
MOBO: socket 2011, MSI Z79 bla bla bla
PSU: Corsair modular 430 watts
SSD: Intel 180gb, 550kb/s read/write
RAM: 2x 8 gb Corsair Vengeance@ 1600Mhz

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On the left his "old" socket 1155 MOBO and the new 2011 MSI one on the right.

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The new Intel SSD in a converter bracket that came with his case.
Thats what you get when you have 2 weeks summer holiday and it rains for 90% of the time :/

So, at this point in his upgrade there was a spare socket 1155 CPU and MOBO left.
So i asked him if we could swap it with MissMorph's hardware to upgrade her pc, and use her old parts for a steambox.

So, here we go again:

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On the right, her current core 2 duo MOBO, on the left my brothers "old" i3 system.
Also the GTX 669 TI is ready to be used again in the upgraded rig.

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I bought some white Kingston hyper x ram to match the white case.

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This is what the cooler looks like now with 2 COrsair AF120's purple on it in pushpull.
Bit overkill since with one fan while gaming temps didnt go above 40 degrees but it looks cool :P

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So there ya go, 7 purple fans in total lol and still pretty silent in idle mode.

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On top of all of this i added a cool bit to our pc compiling table / testcorner area.
I need to hide some of the wires still tho and hook up the old pentium 4 testcase for when people bring over their virus invested harddrives lol.

Infinite creativity!!!
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Click to see original Image in a new window

Posted on: 2014/8/21 17:54

Joined: 2010/2/6
From: Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred
Posts: 1503
Re: lets see your gaming setup!
Wow really nice job m8
I love your desk set up aswell.

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Posted on: 2014/8/22 2:22

Joined: 2011/3/6
From: Melboure, Australia
Posts: 438
Re: lets see your gaming setup!
Nice work!

Gotta say, I'm jealous of your desk setup, looks much more roomy than my one

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Posted on: 2014/8/22 5:57

Joined: 2010/2/6
From: Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred
Posts: 1503
Re: lets see your gaming setup!
Lol, I got some planks of wood thrown together under the stairs ghetto style.

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Posted on: 2014/8/22 12:26

Joined: 2010/6/6
From: Holland
Posts: 1149
Re: lets see your gaming setup!
Thanks guys, appreciate the likes.
It's all just cheap Ikea stuff tho, i just combined it with the shelf that was around 10 bucks lol.
But yeah it does do the trick pretty well having a fixed monitor ready to go on the spot :)
I think thats if for a while now tho pc wise since everybody in the family is / has allready upgraded atm.

Infinite creativity!!!
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Click to see original Image in a new window

Posted on: 2014/9/4 22:18

Joined: 2010/6/6
From: Holland
Posts: 1149
Re: lets see your gaming setup!
Little update:

Got some white power cables for the 24-pin and to feed the GPU as well:

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Now i just need to find some blackliught film to make the inside dark putple and this will will pop out pretty nicely :)

Infinite creativity!!!
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Click to see original Image in a new window

Posted on: 2017/5/7 22:52

Joined: 2012/6/28
Posts: 53
Re: lets see your gaming setup!
Wow what a great forum post about gaming rigs, I sure hope a bunch of people aren't notified about a new comment on this old ass forum post bringing a bunch of people back onto the forum for a hot minute
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